Wetlands Dialogue
Inks, pencil, wetland water, collaged hand painted paper
on Rives BFK 250gsm
28 cm x 38 cm
Ready to Frame
*Please note that shipping is not included for this item.
Please email rcampbellartist@bigpond.com for a quote on delivery.
Inks, pencil, wetland water, collaged hand painted paper
on Rives BFK 250gsm
28 cm x 38 cm
Ready to Frame
*Please note that shipping is not included for this item.
Please email rcampbellartist@bigpond.com for a quote on delivery.
Inks, pencil, wetland water, collaged hand painted paper
on Rives BFK 250gsm
28 cm x 38 cm
Ready to Frame
*Please note that shipping is not included for this item.
Please email rcampbellartist@bigpond.com for a quote on delivery.